Winnie Adogola Is Sponsored!

Winnie Adogola

Age 20

School: Light Academy

Gender Female

Grade Senior Two - (Grade 9 -USA )

Favorite Verse: John 1:12 All those who received Him and believed his name, He gave them a right to become children of God.


Senior Two


20 years


3rd October, 2003


Chemistry and Biology


Medical officer

Which activities do you engage in whenever you’re at home during holidays?


-          Digging with my uncle and other relatives.

-          Working at a hair salon.

What do you enjoy doing with much interest? (Your hobbies)


·        Singing

·        Reading the bible,

·        Making fun with others.

Favourite Bible verse:

John 1:12

All those who received Him and believed his name, He gave them a right to become children of God.

How does it impact you?

I am special because I am a child of God through Christ Jesus.

Favourite Bible story

A story of the prodigal son especially when the father welcomed him back happily and slaughtered a calf for him.

What do you learn from the story?


Ø  God is kind and loving that when we come back to him, he forgives us and he is happy.



Winnie lives with her uncle (brother to her mother) and wife with their five children and Winnie’s four siblings in Soroti since 2015. She says before her mother died she had already separated with their father and she had left her with their father. Her mother died in 2022 third term when Winnie was in senior one.

Winnie had a bad experience with her father, she says one time her father came back in the night and he entered the room where Winnie was sleeping and he raped her at the age of twelve years. She had to run away in the night and the father promised that he would kill her, from that time Winnie has been not living with her father and he was imprisoned.

Winnie says from the time her mother died no one has helped her to pay school fees and she sees herself and her siblings as a burden to their uncle, most of the time she finds herself lacking most of the personal requirements and it’s only few times her uncle gives her support. Winnie’s uncle is a welder and he has got many family members to take care of.

Winnie’s dream is to become a nurse and she wants to pay school fees for orphans. She does not want to see children suffer because she has gone through it and she knows what it means.