Shanitah Akankunda - Sponsor Now

Shanitah Akankunda

Gender Female

Grade Grade Three

School: Glory of Christ -Kammengo P/S

Am 10 years and in P.3


Single orphan

I stay with my grandmother. I have only the mother and my father died. After the death of my father, we are four children my mother remained with two children and other two. We were taken to be catered by our grandmother that is a mother to my mother. We sleep in a temporally mudded house with 4 rooms. We sleep on very old mattress on our room.

I am ever happy whenever I come to school and I see my class teacher. Playing with my friends. I feel good whenever I reach home and I find my grandmother has prepared something to eat. My grandmother struggles to look for what to eat for us because she is very old, she cannot be able to dig and when we try to dig so that we can get what to eat, the land our grandmother is having is very small. We over work after school so that we can get what to eat.

Our grandmother also struggles to buy for us books and we have a challenge of school fees where we are sent back home several times in a term from school to go and bring school fees and books.

Lack of school’s fees. Lack of scholastic materials. Lack of food at home. Inadequate land for planting in crops. Lack of beddings. Sickness of my grandmother.


I learn ; To read and write. To speak English. To interact with the friends. To socialize well with my friends. Am learning New games at school because , I don’t play at home.

To read the bible. To love Jesus Christ. To do what Jesus needs me to do. Good behaviors. To work like digging. Togetherness.