Ronald Arinaitwe - Sponsor Now

Ronald Arinaitwe

Age 21

Gender Male


Age: 20 years

Class: Senior three

Gender: -Male

Status: VULNERABLE (Parents separated)



Senior Three


21 years


11th  May, 2002





Which activities do you engage in whenever you’re at home during holidays?


-          Taking care of domestic animals

-          Digging

-          Fetching water


What do you enjoy doing with much interest? (Your hobbies)


·         Singing

·         Dancing

·         Evangelising

Favourite Bible verse:

“I am the Lord of all human race, is there anything too difficult for me?” says the Lord.  (Jeremiah 32:26)

How does it impact you?

-          There is no condition/situation that God can’t handle.

-          It gives me courage to stay strong even when things seem to be hard for me.

Favourite Bible story


Daniel making up his mind not to defile himself.  (Daniel 1:8-15)

Amidst threats and persecutions, Daniel remained faithful to his God. He never accepted to eat from the king’s food and drink from his wine because they were ritually unclean. But God took good care of him and his friends.

What do you learn from the story?


- As I worship the true God, hindrances will come but I should insist on doing the right thing.

- I make up my mind not to defile myself, even though things of the world might look nice.



Ronald lives with her mother and four siblings in Lubumba village, Rakai district.

Ronald’s parents separated in 2019 when he was soon sitting his Primary Leaving Examination and there, his struggle for school fees started because it was his father who used to pay for him school fees but from the time he separated with the mother he has not been to support and Ronald says he does not where the father is.

Ronald says some times he has been supported by some teachers at school who help him with personal requirements and for some holidays he does work at school such as cleaning, sewing uniforms among others to get money to buy requirements and paying some school fees.

Ronald has been challenged with sicknesses which he thinks it is because of too much work he always does to support himself and for two holidays he has not been able to go back to school to work during holidays due to his health status. He continues to say it makes him cry when he has parents and no one is able to support him.

Ronald’s dream is to become a teacher and he desires so much to help the needy, elderly people and young children. He also yearns to help his mother who is in a bad life.