Rehannah Nalukwgo - Sponsor Now

Rehannah Nalukwgo

Age 11

School: Glory of Christ Primary School - Kabakyala

Gender Female

Grade Grade Four



 Rihanna lives with a ground mother who is 65 years old.

The father is disabled and cannot help the child

The mother went to another district and once in awhile she come back and provide some basic needs like clothes, books and pens.

The girl is challenged by lacking most of the requirements like school uniform, school fees, shoes and many others.

She is the third child among the three children of the family who are brothers and sisters.

She was taken to school by the father when he was still working and earning fairly before he became physically disabled. He got crippled when he was still serving in the shrine.


Rihanna enjoys schooling so much because she likes the teachers.

She lacks some school and personal requirements like school uniform, books, shoes, and other things.


Rihanna NalukwgoV