Praxender Nangabi - Sponsor Now

Praxender Nangabi

Age 18

School: Light Academy

Gender Female



Senior Two


17 years


10th April, 2006





Which activities do you engage in whenever you’re at home during holidays?

-          Washing clothes

-          Cooking food

-          Digging

-          Attending Church service.

What do you enjoy doing with much interest? (Your hobbies)

·         Singing gospel songs

·         Reading Novels

Favourite Bible verse:

Psalm 125:1

Those who trust in the Lord are like Mountain Zion which cannot be shaken.

How does it impact you?

All my trust is in God who is never shaken.

Favourite Bible story


Story of the prodigal son who went away from home after receiving his share from his father. When he had misused everything, he came back to his father and the father welcomed him. (Luke 15:11)


What do you learn from the story?


I learn that God is merciful to forgive me if I repent.


Age: 17 years

Class: Senior two

Sex: Female

Status: VULNERABLE (Parents separated)


Praxeder lives with her step mother with four siblings in Kisaayi-Rakai district. Her dad is also separated with her step mother.  

Praxeder says her father separated with her mother when she was very young and her father dropped her to her step mother at the age of three years and then after her father also separated with her step mother. She continues and says her step mother has struggled so much to see that she keeps in school.

Praxeder is supported by her step mother with personal requirements but she is unable to pay for her school fees because she is responsible for her own children. When she reached primary seven her step mother failed to raise money for her to continue with studies but it was by the grace of God that at the school they allowed her to sit exams without completing school fees. Since she joined secondary school, her step mother has been supporting her with some of the personal requirements but she has not been able to pay for her school fees.

Praxeder’s dream is to become a Teacher and she desires so much to help her step mother who has been there for her since childhood. She continues and says she wants become a good example to other girls and in the family and she prays to God that she will study and complete her studies.