Peace Kenyana - Sponsor Now

Peace Kenyana

Age 17

School: Light Academy

Gender Female

Grade Senior Two - (Grade 9 -USA )

Peace lives with her father, mother, and five siblings in a two bedroomed grass thatched house. The mother struggles to cater for the family since their father is always in alcoholism most of the time. She plants crops on small scale since the land they have is also a very small one. From the crop sales, Peace’s mother buys for them school requirements and some little fees.

When Peace was thirteen year, the father wanted to give her off for marriage but the mother resisted and involved community leadership. The same happened again in 2020 during Covid 19 lockdown and Peace wanted to run away from home to go and live with distant relatives but the mother promised to stand with her and surely she has protected her up to now. Her father refused paying fees for her, since she refused to go for marriage.

Peace is proud of her mother because she has never abandoned them in any situation. She therefore wants to become a nurse such that she will love and care for many people.