Patricia Namugumya - Sponsor Now

Patricia Namugumya

Age 16

Gender Female


SEX: Female

CLASS: Senior Two

AGE: 15 yrs

STATUS: Orphan (Father dead)

DREAM: Nurse


Senior Two


16 years


06th October, 2007





Which activities do you engage in whenever you’re at home during holidays?


-          Cooking food

-          Mopping the house

-          Washing utensils.


What do you enjoy doing with much interest? (Your hobbies)


·         Reading interesting novels and story books.

·         Revision of books

Favourite Bible verse:

Psalm 125:1

Those who trust the Lord are like mountain Zion that is never moved.

How does it impact you?

I am always strengthened even when I am in problems, I am sure God is there for me.

Favourite Bible story

The story of Elijah and the widow (1 Kings 17:9-16)

The widow welcomed Elijah and gave him the only food she had remained with, but amazingly God provided to her and her family throughout the dry season.

What do you learn from the story?


Ø  To share what I have with others, however little it may be.

Ø  Trusting God to provide for all our needs.


Patricia is the first born out of four children. She lives with her mother and three siblings (two brothers and one sister) in a two bedroomed house; in Kasankala trading center, Rakai district.

Her father died in a motor accident while Patricia was in P.6. The mother operates a hair salon from which she gets money to take care of the children and work on other needs.

Patricia’s paternal uncle pays her school fees and the mother meets her personal needs and school requirements, however, Patricia says that sometimes she feels burdening the uncle who also has his own children. When she is at home, she works with her mother in the salon since she has acquired some hairdressing skills from school.

She desires to be a nurse but has some fears that lack of school fees might hinder her dream career.