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Moreen Nagawa

Gender Female

Grade Grade 7

School: Glory of Christ -KabakyalaP/S

Favorite Verse: Moreen knows that God loves us because he sent his only son to die for our sin John (3:16).




Single orphan (mother died).

She stays with her grand parents who are aged 60yrs and above.

The girl is the first born between two children of her father

She lives with her grand her grandparents since her mother passed on 10yrs ago.

Her father is the one supporting her with some scholastic materials like books, pens and some little pocket money but most of the time the school challenges to him so much financially.

The father abandoned them after the death of their mother in 2014 at the age of 5years.

The girl was taken to school by her aunt but cannot be able to pay any thing to support to her.

The girl is always over loaded with work since she is the elder girl in the family where she stays.

Most of the time can torture her over simple mistake

She is enjoying staying at school since she always have fun with her friends which makes her to forget the situation she passes through.


The girl likes playing netball.