Marvin Walukagga - Sponsor Now

Marvin Walukagga

Age 15

School: Light Academy & Vocational High School

Gender Male

Grade High School

Favorite Verse: John 1:12, I Am a child of God.

I am Marvin . I live with my aunt in Kyotera town. She is a mobile money attendant and she has 05 children of her own. She uses the little money she earns from that business to take care of us. I live with my aunt because i don't know where my mother is  and my father was arrested when i was still young at the age of 03 years.

I fetch water at home for selling in the town of Kyotera so that i can help my aunt to be able to  buy food and pay rent and be able to buy us clothes. 

Thank you for listening to my story.