Lydia Sharon Acen - Sponsor Now

Lydia Sharon Acen

Age 12

Gender Female

School: Christ the Answer Nursing and Primary School - Soroti

Favorite Verse: Exodus 20:3 (You shall have no other gods before me).

Personal Bio: Lydia Sharon stays with her uncle who is 40 years old. -He is responsible in taking care of Lydia with the support he can afford. -He cultivates food crops and has a shop. -Lydia is the 4th child among 5 children who are brothers and sisters. After the death of her mother in 2015 at the age of 4years old. she started staying with her uncle. The uncle brought her in baby class in 2015 and she is now 8 years at school. She is in primary six and she is proud of that. The uncle cannot Pay school fees.