Kirabo Nalukwago - Sponsor Now

Kirabo Nalukwago

Age 15

Gender Female

Grade Grade Seven

School: Glory of Christ -KabakyalaP/S

Favorite Verse: My favorite verse in the Bible is ''john 14:15.''


Kirabo stays with her aunt who is 66years.the father died and her mother left her with her aunt.

Her mother lives in Kampala not with her.

Though she lives with Aunt, its her mother who sends school fees, scholastic materials and all the needs.

She stays with seven children so, they are eight and two elders making the total of ten members.

Kirabo faces a challenge of enough food at home.

They sometimes eat once in a day.

She is also being  abused  so much by her aunt.

Being a single orphaned, her mother fails to raise school fees and scholastic materials.

She was taken to school by her aunt she doesn't pay school fees.

The mother is the one to toil for providing some basic necessities.

She lacks most of the. personal needs like fees, clothes, shoes.

The girl loves the school but she's not sure whether she will continue because her mother can not manage to provide her with school fees.

l loves English and Mathematics so much.