Juliet Nakalema - Sponsor Now

Juliet Nakalema

Age 18

Gender Female


Status: Orphan (Father died)

Dream: Surgeon Doctor



Senior One



17 years



02nd Feb, 2006






Heart Surgeon


Which activities do you engage in whenever you’re at home during holidays?


-    Cooking food

-    Washing clothes and utensils.

-    Working with my grandmother at the market (selling food)


What do you enjoy doing with much interest? (Your hobbies)


·         Singing

·         Cooking


Favourite Bible verse:

I am the Lord of all that have flesh, is there anything difficult for me? (Jeremiah 32:29)


How does it impact you?

It encourages me that God cannot fail solve my problems.


Favourite Bible story

The story of Job

In all the sufferings and losses, Job never cursed God but remained faithful to Him until all his riches were given back to him in double.


What do you learn from the story?


Ø  I learn not to give up even when situations arise.

Ø  I should not just take any advice given to me. (Job never took the wife’s advice of cursing God)

Ø  I learn to keep trusting God for my tomorrow.



Juliet lives with her grandmother in Kasensero Kyotera district, she has four siblings and out of the five she is the second born. After the death of her father in 2019, her mother decided to carry her and two of her siblings to their grandmother because she was not able to care all of them.

 Right now Juliet’s grandmother cares about nine of her grandchildren and this has made it difficult for the grandmother to support all of them.

Juliet says from the time her father died she has found life difficult whereby she finds herself most of the times lacking personal requirements. She says she has also found life at school difficult whereby she has spent two terms minus having a school uniform because her grandmother has been not able to buy for her and the mother is unable to give her any support; this makes her feel like she is an odd man out from other students. She continues and says that she is challenged by lack of parental love, this makes her desperate and feels like no one cares about her.

During holidays, Juliet works in small restaurants where she gets some money to support her grandmother in running the family for example buying food and buying some of her personal requirements. As a girl she finds it challenging to work in these restaurants but she thanks God who has always protected her.

Juliet’s dream is to become a surgeon doctor and wants to help her grandmother who supports her with the little she has.