Jane Makooza - Sponsor Now

Jane Makooza

Age 18

Gender Female


Gender: Female

CLASS: Senior Two

AGE: 17 years

STATUS: Vulnerable

DREAM: Soldier


Senior Two


18 years


08th October, 2005





Which activities do you engage in whenever you’re at home during holidays?


-          Washing clothes

-          Cooking food

-          Caring for little children at home.

What do you enjoy doing with much interest? (Your hobbies)


·         Watching Football

·         Telling stories.

Favourite Bible verse:

Jeremiah 32:26

I am the Lord of all human race. Nothing is too hard for me.

How does it impact you?

Whenever I am in a situation that is difficult, I am reminded that my God never fails.

Favourite Bible story

Story of the two sons in Mathew 21:28-32 which talks about one son who promised his father to go where he had sent him and he never went, then another one said he would not go yet he went later.

What do you learn from the story?


Ø  I should always stand on my word.

Ø  There is no need why I toss my parents.



Jane lives with her maternal grandmother and other relatives in Kakunyu – Rakai district. To get food and home necessities, Jane’s grandmother plants some food crops and some other relatives send money for home use which is also always not sufficient for all the needs.

Jane’s parents separated in 2017 and the father promised to take care of Jane and siblings which he later failed, and sent them to their grandmother. Her sister and their mother strive hard to raise some money to provide Jane with school requirements

During some holidays, Jane remains at school and does activities such as fabricating school chairs, windows, beds and other projects that might be available. This helps Jane to pay a little school fees and personal necessities.

She says she wants to see people living in peace and orderly. Therefore her dream is to become a soldier.