Gertrude Katushabe - Sponsor Now

Gertrude Katushabe

Age 0

Gender Female

Grade Grade One

School: Glory of Christ -KabakyalaP/S

Favorite Verse: My memory verse is John 14:15 if you love me keep my commands



 Am living with my  mother who is over 45yesrs old.

My father died previously (drowned in the lake) and left them in a Miserable Life.

 Their house is in very bad condition and  they had to leave that house and rented in town.

Father died in the beginning of this year 2024.

The girl live with her biological mother who is so vulnerable and drunkard.

The girl is being taken care by her mother.

She is the last born out of five children who are brothers and sisters.

The girl is being tortured by her mother  who is a  drunkard and Getting what to eat is a tag of war.

Getting school fees is not easy.

Most of the time she lacks scholastics materials to use at school.

They have rituals at home.