Florence Nakayemba - Sponsor Now

Florence Nakayemba

Age 14

School: Glory of Christ Primary School - Kabakyala

Gender Female

Grade Primary

Favorite Verse: Matthew 7:7 Whoever asks shall be find.





Florence is the first born among two children.

She was abandoned by the father.

She lives with her mother only and she is the one trying to provide some basic needs like school fees.

She lacks most of the basic needs school fees, clothes, books, pens, bedding, uniform and food.

She was abandoned by the father when she was 6 years.

She tried to find out where the father is from her mother but she also doesn't know.


She has good friends who sometimes provide with books and pens.

She loves her teachers and also the fellow learners at school.

She is always not able to be provided with school fees since her mother is just a farmer.

However, she feels bad for not knowing where the father is.