Erick Ssekatawa Is Sponsored!

Erick Ssekatawa

Age 20




Age: 20 years

Class: Senior Three

Sex: Male

Status: Orphan (Father died)



Senior Three


19 years


16th April, 2004


Entrepreneurship Education



Which activities do you engage in whenever you’re at home during holidays?


-          Taking care of pigs

-          Fetching water

What do you enjoy doing with much interest? (Your hobbies)


·         Being involved in work.

Favourite Bible verse:

Job 1:22

In all this, Job never sinned by blaming God.

How does it impact you?

·         Acknowledging God in all situations.

·         Not to deny God even when things are not working out.

Favourite Bible story

The story of Job.

Satan thought that Job would deny God after losing all his children and riches, but he ended up overcoming the devil.

What do you learn from the story?


Ø  I should remain patient in every situation whether good or bad.

Ø  Not giving up easily.

Ø  Even when I am rich, I should remain faithful to God.


Eric lives with her mother and step-father and six siblings in Kasankala village, Rakai district.

Eric says his father died when he was still young and after the death of his father, her mother got married to another man his step father today.

Eric is being supported by his mother with a few of the personal requirements and he supports himself with other requirements and little school fees by doing some work. Sometimes he does work at school to support himself. The situation at home is always not good because both his mother and step father run a bar in their residential house. The main source of income for her mother is brewing alcohol and selling it at home.

Eric’s dream is to become a welder and he also wants to venture in business, when he finishes his studies. He continues to say that he wants to become a responsible father when it reaches his time to marry.