Deborah Kyamagero - Sponsor Now

Deborah Kyamagero

Gender Female

Grade Primary Six

I am 13years and P.6 class.

 I am a Single orphaned child.

 My mother died when I was seven years old. I stay with my grandparents in in an extended family of seven members.

 My father married another wife. When he sent me to stay with my grandmother up to date.

I lack school fees and requirements and when asked from father he refers me to get married as I have grown up that he is taking care of my other new sisters and brothers.

My grandparents have the other six responsibility and they refer me to my father.

Here I do casual works from the villages to raise school fees and some scholastic materials.

Am in a struggling life because I lack fees and scholastic as I have to some times beg to get what I want.

I always miss lessons when assessing for school fees at school

 I feel disliked at home.

 I feel I will achieve my target of being a counselor to help people if God helps me

 I have learnt how to play netball, sing, how to read and to white

I have learnt pupil to interact well with my teachers. 

I have learnt that I have to do good to others, respect elders in the community.

I have learnt how to read the bible.

I have learnt time management.