Christine Nagginda Is Sponsored!

Christine Nagginda

Place Uganda

Age 15

ID # KA 008

Gender Female

Grade Grade 6

School: Victorious Primary School - Tata

Personal Bio: Hello! My name is Christine, I attend God Cares School in Uganda. I want to say thank you to my supporter. Through your financial support, I am attending school and receiving a great education.

Age: 14 Years

Sponsor name: Pearl Huizenga

Class:  Primary Six

Child status: An orphan

Parents’ status: Father alive, mother died.

Child stays with: Grandmother.


Child’s dream:

What you want to become in future? To become a Doctor.

What new things you are learning at school? To respect friends and the better way of teaching at this new school –Victorious Tata.

What do you enjoy at school? Singing and Dancing.


Are you a born-again? Yes

Do you have a bible? Yes


My favorite memory verse: “Am a citizen of Heaven.”

My favorite Bible story:   The Story of Noah; He told to enter the boat and they refused.


My special abilities: Singing and Dancing

Christine is writing her sponsor reply letter in the classroom.

Christine is with her friends posing for a photo in their school compound - God Cares.

Christine is posing for a photo.

Christine with friend.


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