Place Uganda
Project Glory of Christ Primary School
Age 14
School: Glory of Christ Kamengo primary school
Personal Bio: Hello! My name is Annet. I live with my parents and 7 siblings. My father suffers from health complications which makes it difficult to provide for the family. I attend the Glory of Christ primary school in Uganda. Math is my favorite subject in class. If I am not studying for school, I am helping with house duties such as cooking food. When I grow up, I hope to become a nurse someday!
ID # KA004
Gender Female
Grade 5
Favorite Verse: Luke 18:15 15 People were bringing even infants to him that he might touch them; and when the disciples saw it, they sternly ordered them not to do it. But Jesus called for them and said, 'Let the little children come to me, and do not stop them; for it is to such as these that the kingdom of God belongs. She loves God because he created her.
1. What do you want to become in future?