Anitah Amumpiire - Sponsor Now

Anitah Amumpiire

Place Uganda

Age 16

Gender Female

Grade 7

School: Nissi Christian Junior School.

Favorite Verse: John 3:6, That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit. 6 Humans can reproduce only human life, but the Holy Spirit gives birth to spiritual life.

Personal Bio: Anitah stays with her mother. The father died when she was in lower classes. Her mother is always sick and she suffers from heart diseases. The mother earns little money for food through peasantry farming and frying pancakes when not sick. When she becomes sick, Anitah has to take responsibility at home. She has fear about the health of her mother and has less hope for school fees. She is a well-behaved girl who love Christ and ministers in their home church. He loves education but has no hope of continuing after completing primary seven which she is yet to complete. She lacks material support including the sanitary equipment and other scholastic materials.

Child's Project Bakery (e.g frying pancakes, cassava, chapattis, etc.)