Anisha Kyamagero - Sponsor Now

Anisha Kyamagero

Age 10

School: Glory of Christ Primary School - Kabakyala

Gender Female

Grade Primary


Anisha is the last born among 3 children .

She has never seen her father and when she tries to find out from the mother she also doesn't know where the father is.

Her mother is the one trying to provide some basic needs like school fees, clothes, books, pens bedding , uniform, shoes and food.

She was abandoned by the father and now the mother is the one taking care of her other children.


She is enjoying the school now.

She is happy about studying.

She is not always able to be provided with basic needs like food, school fees, clothes, books, pens, bedding and uniforms.

She is not always provided with food for eating at school.

She loves her teachers and also the fellow learners at school.


I am learning science about personal hygiene.

I am learning mathematics about shapes.

I am learning that Jesus is the way the truth and life.